Re: Very tough detox symptoms on the liver detox, need some advice
Dr Schulze always said his patients had to earn the right to have a detox by first building up the body so it had the resources to handle a detox.
I would suggest what he did..he first had the patients improve diet and take superfood (or at least take superfood) and do colon cleansing as as the other person sad if it breaks loose the toxins but it has no way to come out the toxins will break loose and not exit the body but re-circulate making you feel worst.
Do colon cleaning for a least 3 weeks both intestinal cleanse one and two. You start by taking one pill of #1 at mealtime and increase one capsule per day. when you go to the bathroom and say wow that is YOUR dose.
I believe this means when the BM is light and fluffy not hard and sinking, volumous as well.
At that point you stay on the dose that you took the day you got this lol amazing BM.
Then you add intestinal cleanse #2 to it. That is the good one that removes 3000 drug residues and radiation etc You take that five times a day (see the links below for dosing--2nd one) when on this the bm will stink and you are looking for mucoid plague XSee the slides here for what you arte looking for,.,this is often the stuff in the diverticulosis sacs that may have been there for decades. the mucous nature of the #2 formula pulls it out of there and can look like a rope with plums on it. This is good. Not to be gorss but may want to use a bedpan or container to catch it and go through it with an old pencil or fork or something.
Go here to Dr Schulze's patent handbook for more on colon cleansing and other protocols in the incurables..This is the book he gave every patient in the clinic.
Also do some dry skin brushing with a natural bristle brush..brush towards the heart..I you have access do dry saunas and drink in there some peppermint or spearmint or yarrow tea (diaphoretic sweat producing teas) in increase use of the skin as a way to also get toxins outs.
Other helpful cleanses would be kidney-bladder, liver as you mentioned, skin, blood, lung and mucus..the book by Linda Rector Page called detoxification has a lung cleanse..
If you want the recipe for making the superfood, intestinal cleanse #1 and #2 from his manual, email me and I will send as an attachments..use bulk herbs organic or wildcrafted to make it the first is hard to make I found as it makes one cough and sneeze so much when filling it..I also buy that one..the other is a powder or get them at his site
i having strong side effects and juicing cut back on fruit for now as it is cleansing which would add to your symptoms, veggies are building
Google healing crisis and see if the symptoms you have are one of this as that is good you feel worst before you feel better but if you were Schulze's patient and not dying when more stringent work is needed, he would first build you up with diet, superfood, exorcize, etc then colon cleansing and then the other cleanses often doing one a season.
Those do all sounds like detox healing crisis symptoms though.