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Re: Time is Running Out
trust2009 Views: 6,433
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Re: Time is Running Out

it is very hard to find someone to know this fact and accepted and live it. we say Jesus did that but they or we kill Him. God means to Him nature and not man god as those evil in control want to blind us to believe and be used and abused and refused. that has ended as we know in leaders or wolves, bossis and any one responsible for the way away from life itself in you and me. evil separation, sep-a-ration for their evil poison of bread and circus roman blood and bad food meant for the poor and to destroy all nature, the livings. for roman holidays, right!
true Love make you know the truth. and life and if not here then it has to be hearafter, because of the unavoidable men made world. that is why they say for this truth known by Love one has to kill his body fleshy life, because of evil invented condition and one has to suffer in consequence. it is not that the body is evil and man is enemy to other man. you can see many videos saying the same. big picture.
It is very vital to understand the fact.
I am happy to see some of it myself before I die. real Loving men in God world to share from that side.
express yourself, very close


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