make love under the sun light, not under a candle light for romance, for roma sake but now you have more under the spotlight. one cannot hide any more.
you must have a bell like he goat and on the watch tower, the bell, saturn or satan with an evil eye like a clock for his time and what is more two clock but one wrong timing to confuse the devil not to enter. the devil want to know the time, but we are not the poor devils, if knowing the right time or time at all. for repenting and having more of the same thing or vibration energy. funny stuff.
but the truth is there on which men acted to find alchemy and the stone, the gold all golden under the dead sun. nice intention.
what has this to do with the natural physical, or biology, created with the vibration of the sun.
One said that an animal has to sleep to recharge the body or battery or rest in darkness but cannot do it with sun energy, like the plants, yet if we do not eat plants or energy from the sun we die the same. it must be different charges, recharges with negative and discharges on positive or on the creation of the body under the sun. so do not be very hungry, too much electrons to want to fire. that is why a permit for a marriage it good.
I like jokes and no jokes.