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Re: Waterfasting with supplements
FastingGuru Views: 1,194
Published: 10 y
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Re: Waterfasting with supplements

Yes, you can supplement your fast with vitamins (especially B's, but never megadoses, just meager RDA's) and minerals, of which sodium and potassium are the most important. Not sure about the caffeine pills. You can drink black coffee, if you so desire, but only during the first couple of days. Coffee helps enter the fasting state.

Here you can read about the guy who fasted for over a year and the article also has references to other long fasts for weight loss: Features of a successful therapeutic fast of 382 days' duration, 1973. Obviously, you don't need to fast for so long. This is only to show you that, with right supplementation, it can be done successfully.

As long as you supplement minerals you can fast for a very long time, without issues. At the very minimum, you need about 0.5 to 1.0 gram per day, of each, quality Sea Salt and potassium chloride (also sold as 'nosalt'). Later on, occasionally during your fast, you can also drink some mineral water according to taste. Something with magnesium and/or calcium.

If you drink distilled water, you will be miserable and unlikely to last due to inevitably developing electrolyte imbalance. The very first symptom of electrolyte imbalance is water aversion -- despite thirst! Don't go that route.


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