Re: dysbiosis and congested liver
Have you read Andreas' book yet?
He describes the lymphatic system in great detail in relation to the gallbladder, so I'm guessing you have not read it carefully.
Jump in and do 10-20 flushes, with your clean diet you will probably feel a lot better.
You might be having allergies to nuts, and pufas in seed oils are also problematic for some people.
There is dispute within ayurveda whether ghee was the only traditional oil and when and how seed oils appeared, but probably seed oils were used alongside grains since grinding and oil extraction are similar processes.
If you stay on the beetroot, turmeric, etc long enough the liver problems will disappear, but it could take a few years.
When you eat fats, and then stimulate the gallbladder while it is too backed up, you will get symptoms exactly as you describe because you are then pushing too hard on the lymphatic system which has nowhere/limited ability to drain while the liver is congested.
Raw fats or cooked. Raw fats should eventually cleanse things even if you get mucous at first.
I have determined that you are ready for flushes since you are dedicated and your diet is good. Move to Croatia and do them while suntannng on the Istrian coast.