Re: dysbiosis and congested liver
Thank you very much for your reply!
When I talk about mucus, I want to say that my lymph nodes are swelling and I have a lot of mucus in the throat and sinuses, I get that everytime I eat some nuts, seeds or oils (coconut is the only oil I eat).
I have chronically hardened lymph nodes since 4 years ago (and they swell everytime that I eat fat) and I wonder if it is not due to calcifications.
Arnold Ehret in his mucusless diet book says that fats are mucus and that we should not eat them but I feel that I lack hormones when I don't eat them.
But as you say, dogmas suck ;).
I have to say that since I eat beetroot everyday with apple cider vinegar, fresh turmeric, ginger, the spasms seems almost inexistant now, but I still get the mucus and the swollen lymph nodes.
I will try to investigate about FMT, maybe take some probiotics too.
I've done a
coffee enema and seems that it helped. I will do a
Liver Flush soon!
Thanks again!