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Re: rectal ozone worms
Vaughn23 Views: 9,667
Published: 10 y
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Re: rectal ozone worms

Have u woke in the mornings & yellow stuff around your fingernails . Lines from under them ? Getting joint pain or trouble with short term memory . Mucus looking stuff coming out too . Are other parasites coming out in pieces ? Waking and have a hole on some part of your body . Very hard still in pieces . Get a very greasy feeling on your hands when u wash them in either hot or cold water . Get twitches in your muscles involuntarily? Stomach gets bloated . I have all of the above and have passed a rope worm . Freakiest creature there is . Now does anyone live within 60 miles of Memphis Tn that will let me borrow , or pay for using their ozone machine . I hate to pay 2000 for one . I'd even pay half the cost .


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