Re: Adrenal fatigue. LOW CORTISOL AND DHEA
Bowel cleansing is very any point in life or illness!
This outlines some practices.
You'll find many different herbs and ways on cleansing.
As you are in NEED NOW - and from what you've said in previous posts about white coating on bowel movements...which i would imagine would be mucous, suggests inflammation.
I have had the same in the past - sometimes quite severe with 7 days of no bowel movements and a steadily increasing belly getting very uncomfortable.
When very desperate i have used a warm enema - just water if nothing else to hand.
This alone can help the bowel to contract, relax, contract and promote movement.
When i was very desperate while on holiday i went and bought over the counter laxatives, as i was in so much pain from constipation.
They worked quite quickly. I only used them the once.
Inflammation of the bowel can be caused by many things.
If you are able and are not doing a highly physical job or anything it might be worth going on a liquid diet for 2-3 days - fruit juices, green juices, even protein shakes for energy if you are too weak and ill to be totally eliminating high nutrition.
Plenty of water too.
I have used psyllium husk with
Bentonite to cleanse but i didn't react well to the psyllium and found it constipated and bloated me.
I'm not sure if i drank enough water causing it to become too thick in my intestines.
Try a spoon at a time with plenty of water if you want to try that.
It's very mucilaneous to pull out toxins.
Bentonite clay is worth doing for intestinal cleansing of bacteria/heavy metals/microbes...excellent stuff - for so many things, skin packs too, to pull out toxins.
It's a worthwhile thing to always have in the cupboard.
Again, have it with plenty of water so it doesn't become too thick in the bowels causing more constipation.
I'm similar with alcohol - it goes sraight to my head and i feel quite nauseous very quickly...just half a glass of wine, a few sips.
Likewise i do better when doing a round of probiotics...home-made water kefir worked best for me compared to even the most expensive, best quality, freeze-dried probiotics.
Water kefir is cheap to buy on ebay...then you have a constant supply for the rest of your life as they continue to grow and grow if you feed them, like gremlins! :-)
Epsom Salts are often used for flushing, however as they induce opening of the bile ducts and movements in the gallbladder and liver, if you are pain-free and functioning well in that area -
Epsom Salts could be useful.
Try a small amount first - it's always wise, of anything new, to try a small amount to test for tolerance.
I've been gunho in the past with things that sound relatively safe, yet have induced quite a bad crash in me, so now i test for tolerance, as often an ill body, is more sensitive anyway.
Sometimes with episodes of constipation i have completely shifted from my normal diet in order to induce a digestive shift.
I go for more fibre, water foods, lots of salads, steamed veg, fruit juices, and cut out flour food, pasta, heavy to digest foods, and stick with something i find easy like brown rice if i feel super hungry.
Sometimes a dramatic shift in diet with those kinds of foods can calm inflammation and shift the constipation.
Sometimes a dramatic shift can induce constipation too - but generally that is with foods that are flour based...breads and more meat etc.
I hope you get relief soon.
One thing for a really painful bloated stomach which miraculously works for me is fennel seeds, soaked in boiling water as a tea. I drink the liquid when stewed for 5 mins and chew on a few teaspoons of the soaked seeds as i'm drinking it. They're very aromatic, strong, i like them, but might not be to everyone's taste.
Definately worth a try for instant relief.