10 y
Re: Adrenal fatigue. LOW CORTISOL AND DHEA
So i had another prolactin test come back today.
591 range 86 -343
This surely is having an influence on my sexual health?
Ive read somewhere about low DHEA and high prolactin in autoimmune cases. Is it possible i have an autoimmune disease?
FInding a good doctor seems impossible right now.
Stool samples may be something to look into.
Do i need an neuro or an endo?
What confuses me about testosterone is that ive taken several blood tests for it and all come back great.
I dont know whether to treat my high prolactin? I know my grandfather seems to suffer with low dopamine, he has restless leg syndrome. Could i have inherited this?
My main concern is there is something serious and the longer it goes on the worse its going to get. I have a life to live, i have a beautiful girlfriend. Im determined to get better, im not letting this beat me!
ill try and keep a diary. Ive had alot of White stuff and undigested food coming out in my stools.