Low Progesterone - poor liver function
One of he things our liver is suppose to do, is to break down natural steroid hormones.
So, the levels of hormones inside our blood are not only regulated by the amount of hormones produced (as most people think), but the main regulator of the level of hormones in our blood is actually our liver and to some degree kidneys.
That is why liver health and kidney health is so crucial for our health.
Mess with your liver, and you are messing with your hormones!
Steroid hormones are produced from cholesterol, inactivated by liver, and excreted by kidneys.
Liver also controls the level of cholesterol in your blood, so it both controls production of hormones and inactivation of hormones.
That is how liver flush, over longer time, may affect level of hormones in your body, and may also help normalize level of hormones.
That is how
Liver Flush helps cure all those problems related to the level of hormones.
So, for the healthy level of hormones in your body, you need healthy liver, and healthy kidneys.
Bile acids also act as steroid hormones, secreted from the liver, absorbed from the intestine.
Progesterone is steroid hormone.
Estrogens are steroid hormones: estrone, estradiol and estriol.
List of all steroid hormones:
Hormones can generally be divided into three types: proteins, peptides and steroids.
The basic units of proteins and peptides are amino acids, whereas steroids contain the gonane structure.