Re: Got test results back for adrenal fatigue today, need help
I have found that carbohydrates and fat combined make my fog worse within about an hour.
I could have oatmeal made with butter and/or milk and my fog will get significantly worse and I will feel tired.
I also feel the same whenever I have quinoa/amaranth with olive oil.
I thought it was carbohydrates making my fog worse but no, whenever i have the amount of oatmeal made with soy milk or water, my fog doesn't get worse.
This could provide a big clue as to what could be causing my fog.
There is theory going on in the vegan community that excess fat causes candida not
Sugar (Dr Neal Barnard), i have been having up to 90-100g fat from olive oil for the adrenals but this hasn't made me better, now I have cut out fat and have more carbs and i will see how this goes.
This could be the answer because I react bad whenever I have fat and carbs.