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Re: Liver Cleanse: Desperate for Help!
spanky3311331333 Views: 5,195
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Re: Liver Cleanse: Desperate for Help!

I mentioned teaspoons for the coffee enema I think only once I got up to one tablespoon. I even added 125 mg of glutathione in a few of the coffee enemas. WOW! Amazing. Glutathione is insane when you actually get the right amount in the blood. Currently I'm trying a transdermal way of getting Glutathione and NAC using Emu oil, though I'm not sure it is working properly, but it is noticeable, not like the rectal effects I saw before. I was like a machine with rectal glutathione, though I do think I overdosed on that as well ;-). In the end, I stopped doing things rectally, however when done right it is a world of difference. I did coffee enemas every Saturday morning for 1 full year.

Just recently I've been looking into making liposomal Glutathione and taking this to help combat the effects of retracing and detox. People rave about this so I hope it makes a difference.

Great, so the flushes don't get easier? It has been such a rough road. I'm just ready to be done flushing. I want my life back. And more importantly I want my memories back. I cannot seem to recall anything. I feel most of my college education is gone forever. Please tell me it returns...I plan on using a variety of supplements to trigger neurogensis after flusing (whenever that is), but hope that those memories are not damaged so badly that they cannot come back. It is a very sad thing to loose memories. I've also lost all creativity and spunk. My interest in everything is just gone. My capacity to learn is non-existent. It is so sad and I can only hope it comes back once the congestion is gone. Or else I guess I will have to relearn everything again.

Most of my symptoms have subsided as well, however as of recently they have come back with vengeance.

Chelation was also very hard, but the effects were very noticeable. I'm not sure if 30 rounds qualifies as being complete, but I could not go any longer due to feeling very toxic. Thus, I had to look at ways to clean my liver. That is when I found/started the Liver/Gallbladder cleanse. Though, when I began I did not think it was going to be this hard. The first 6 months were very promising and I knew I was on the right path. Now, I question it every day, possibly because I feel very toxic, frustrated, and just completely defeated.

I hope the Gold Coin Grass will relieve a lot of my pressure in the Liver/Gallbladder area. It seems when this pressure is gone I feel somewhat normal. Does it dissolve bile stones? I found that Chanca Piedra had no affect, as well as other 'Liver/Gallstone' formulas.



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