Hi again Soulking. I'm not from the same country as you, I'm English but yes, we have the same kind of issues here. Different country, same shit! :-)
Talking of shit, I do seem to be having a few more less stinky days since improving my diet but I don't want to get excited as I have had false dawns in the past. I found out sage is good for sweating and I used to have nightsweats 2 or 3 times a week but since drinking sage infused tea before bed so far I haven't had a single episode in the last 3 weeks.
I'm taking your advice and I've ordered an enema kit as anything is worth a go. Some days you just get a glimpse of what life is like for everyone else when people are friendly to you, it would be amazing for life to be like that all the time. I too am like you, lost friends and girlfriends because of this. If I had enough money not to work I would be a recluse but I'm forced to leave the house and humiliate myself every working day.
Hopefully one day we can all be cured. I wish you all the best mate.