Thanks for your response and posting about the book, and thanks for being open-minded about my post. Walid does make a lot of interesting points and yes a lot of it does seem to make a lot of sense. He could be completely right or completely wrong. I'm just saying according to recent and current events, there has been no real major threat from the nation of Islam, but that could change very quickly as the landscape of the world changes. The United States and it's E.U. cronies have been behind the majority of terrible world events, causing massive deaths of civilians and chaos in governments. It is due to the sins of the U.S. and the people who didn't do anything to be aware of the evil that was going on, as long as we had our nice little comfortable lives that we are on the path to calamity.
I don't pay attention to the news much anymore, but I did enough research over the past few years to see the trend of what has been happening in world history and what is to come. I am not certain that the second coming is on the way, although it is a possibility. In a few years it is going to feel like the tribulation period, unless the course of current events is miraculously changed.