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Re: Shocking!
rainy.5 Views: 1,326
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Re: Shocking!

I also have heard of much other corruption in our country and government. The point really is that I am aware that there is much other evil going on in our country, our government and all over the world that does not involve Islam.  I do agree with you on these things.
My recent focus on Islam is not to deny other evils, but to understand Bible Prophecy. There have been many different Bible Prophecy teachers teaching their different interpretation of it all throughout all the years. Walid Shoebat was a dedicated Muslim. When he started reading the Bible it became alive to him and he could see things that other teachers had never seen before because of his Muslim background. Different end time teachings have come and gone because as time went on we could see that things didn't happen the way they taught it. Some of these things were sealed by God until closer to the end times. We can see Christians being beheaded today for their faith in Christ. We know that was prophesied in the Bible over 2,000 years ago. I just think that what Shoebat is teaching is making more sense than any of the other end time teachers that I have studied in the past. He is explaining scripture. He has an advantage over the past teachers because of his background. I think the Lord raised him up for such a time as this.
His goal is to teach the Bible, not to destroy Muslim people. He loves Muslims and has many family members who are still Muslims. What he hates is the deception they are in. He wants to help them out of their deception.
He started to read the Bible so he could find error in it because his wife told him that if he could show her that the Bible was corrupted she would become a Muslim. He wanted his wife to become a Muslim big time. That is why he started studying the Bible, to find corruption in it. As he read it he found out that he was the one in error. He saw Islam being described in many verses. He knew it was Islam because he was a Muslim. He could recognize it very plainly. He could see that he was in the wrong religion as he continued to read the Bible. He knew he was on the wrong side. With that knowledge he became a Christian. He is teaching these things not to hurt people, but to help them. He knows now that Jesus is the only way to salvation. He knows that those precious Muslim people, many of them his own family, will lose their souls if they continue in this deception. He is not on a campaign to hurt anyone. He is on a mission to bring truth to as many people as he can because of his love for them and his obedience to Christ.
Not all people can take his teaching because it is the strong meat of the Word of God. Many Christians are feeding on the milk of the Word and just can't digest the meat.
As for me, I want to understand as much of the Bible as I can. I want to be able to recognize things that are happening in the world if those things were prophesied in the Bible. I feel if it were not important God would not have put it in there. I want to be awake not asleep in these things. I want truth. I want to be able to recognize the antichrist when he comes on the scene. We know many Christians will fall for the deception of Chrislam and lose their souls. I wonder how many of them will be spared because they were warned and told the truth. Warning people causes offenses, but some will be saved because they were warned. Warning people and standing for truth is many times unpleasant, but it is well worth it. Every single person is precious. If I were still in deception I would want people to warn me even if I did not listen. At least there would be a chance that someday I would be able to see the truth. If nobody cared about me enough to tell me the truth there would be no hope for me.
Yes, I also have heard of the evils of other presidents etc, but that is not what I am trying to study here. My point is not that I am worried about nukes, currency and ISIS. My point is end time Bible study. My point is to understand the scripture. I am not interested in becoming like Alex Jones or to try to dig up all evils in the world that we should worry about. I cast my cares on Christ anyway. When we do that we do not need to worry. I do want to understand the Bible and if I can help point anybody along the way to truth, I will do that as well. Beheading is prophesied. ISIS beheads. That does cause my eyes and ears to want to look and hear to see if it is prophecy coming to pass before my very eyes.
People need to be warned about the antichrist, Chrislam etc. The idea is not to worry about nukes, ISIS and other evils, but to get people to realize Jesus is the only way to eternal life. People need to know not to join Chrislam or do anything else that would cause them to lose their souls. That is the worry. That is the concern. People need to prepare themselves so that they are mentally and spiritually able to withstand persecution if necessary rather than to deny that Jesus is the only way. Losing one's soul will be far worse that losing one's head.


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