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Re: Shocking!
saywhatagain Views: 1,337
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Re: Shocking!

I didn't watch all the videos but I get the gist of what they are saying. I agree that Obama is a terrorist, but then you also must agree that every other U.S. president in the last 30-40+ years was also a terrorist. They all have committed atrocities that deserve the death penalty. If you think Obama is a terrorist, then certainly you would agree that George Bush is a terrorist if you want to talk about ties to terrorists and their families, right?

Rainy, if you think that ISIS is the greatest threat to the United States, you are living in a dream world. I'm not saying it is okay for them to invade Iraq or behead journalists, but in the grand scheme of things it is not even a blip on the radar. The greatest threat to the United States is currently Russia.

I'm not sure how much you know about past and current events leading up to our current situation, but just in case you are not aware or anyone else reading this post, this is how we got into our current situation:

The United States itself has caused every dangerous situation that it currently faces. It is a fact that the United States founded Al-Qaeda, as we thought they would be good terrorists to fight Russia. So it is a fact that regardless of 9/11 conspiracies, the U.S. government founded the terrorist organization that committed the 9/11 terrorist attacks. So who is to blame for 9/11? The U.S. government, not the nation of Islam. The nation of Islam did not found the Al-Qaeda organization, that was founded by the U.S. What is the cause of the current situation in Iraq? Again, it is not the nation of Islam, it is completely the fault of the U.S. Iraq was being run by an evil, powerful dictator; I'm not saying it was an ideal situation, but there was absolutely no cause for the U.S. to invade when they did. There were no weapons of mass destruction; it is very obvious that these were just lies as a cover for Cheney and his cronies to murder millions of innocents and pillage the land, as well as to establish a government that is more friendly to us.

Rainy, millions of people, including women and children and innocent civilians were wiped off the face of the earth due to the whims of a few individuals and you are posting about a couple of journalists being beheaded? I just can't understand what version of reality is going on in your head. Not only did the U.S. destroy all these lives, but the government that we set up was unstable and was never going to be able to unite the people that live there. That is the real reason why the situation in Iraq is what it is today, because of the meddling and murdering of the U.S.

Look at all the Arab Spring nonsense. The mainstream media is reporting it as these grass-roots movements of the people, but anyone that pays a little attention to what is really happening will see that the U.S. and E.U. have really been the real orchestrators of all these events, and every time what was the outcome? An 'evil' dictator was overthrown and if they don't lay down and roll over, the West comes in (well we had to support what 'the people' wanted, right?) and an unstable Western friendly government was set up. The same situation happened in the most recent government upheaval in Ukraine. Did the U.S. and it's allies really think Russia was going to sit idly by as we set up U.S. missile silos next to the Russian border.

Rainy, seriously I hope you continue with your research, but if you want to look at reality, the greatest threat to U.S. safety is the United States itself and it's terrorist presidents, not just Obama, but many that came before him. It was not just when someone with a Muslim name came into the presidency (as it seems that you are implying) that terrorists invaded our government but long before that time.

I believe that the people of the United States are generally really good people, but we have had it too good for too long. We got lazy and forgot that we have to keep our government in check and stay informed about what is going on. Even many Christians have become week in their faith and have forgot what it is all about, and many people have turned into apathetic agnostics. The United States is like the people of Israel, when they became lazy and started worshiping false idols. We need to repent and change our ways; although it seems like it is probably too late for that, and just as with Israel, when they strayed from the path, God withdrew His protection and all types of calamities came on them, that is what the United States is heading for, on that much we can agree.

The United States itself is completely to blame for the dangerous situation that we are in right now and as far as nations that can inflict real damage to the United States, ISIS is nothing compared to Russia, who right now is colluding with other nations to start selling petrol in currencies other than the U.S. dollar; this has the potential to collapse our currency. This is a real threat that could very possibly cripple our entire country in the near future. Even if Russia doesn't collapse the U.S. currency, the situation in Ukraine is not going to get any better. The new Western backed Ukraine is not going to allow Russia to continue to occupy Crimea and the other areas and Russia will never compromise on this issue and it has absolutely nothing to do with the nation of Islam, although I understand that your mind for some reason wants to fit that into everything. There is a very real scenario that could occur very soon that leads to WWIII, and if that situation does occur we will have multiple countries with nukes that can actually reach our country, and I don't think you will be very worried about ISIS anymore.

But realistically none of this really matters too much for people like ourselves that rely on Christ. There is not much that we can do to remedy this situation except to put on the armor of God, to prepare our souls for what is going to come. Regardless if we disagree on the specifics of what is coming for us, we know that hard times are coming and we need to be steadfast in Christ for what is to come. Not only for ourselves but also for those around us and for the people who will need us in these hard times to come. Many people are going to come to Christ when they are humbled and broken by all these events and people like us are the ones who will be there for them to show them the way.


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