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Help please! ozone generator has contaminated my place with toxic air. Feeling very sick right now. Eyes ears burning. Skin feels covered in sticky stuff, headache, difficulty breathing, feeling tortured. How can I decontaminate my place.
crunchtime Views: 5,275
Published: 10 y

Help please! ozone generator has contaminated my place with toxic air. Feeling very sick right now. Eyes ears burning. Skin feels covered in sticky stuff, headache, difficulty breathing, feeling tortured. How can I decontaminate my place.

Ok somebody please help. I feel like I'm in trouble and don't know who to turn to so I'm on the internet looking for help. I'm pretty positive using an ozone generator has backfired and now I feel very sick, my are eyes burning, nausea, difficulty breathing and more. Here is my story I ended up buying an ozone generator to use in my car because after I bought it I found some mold in the trunk and wanted to decontaminate the car. Ever since I used it in the car the car has had a weird smell and had been giving me headaches. I also got really itchy in the car and had noticed that the smell has been sticking to my clothes and that I was bringing it into my apartment. I'd notice that if i got close to my jacket I,d get the same headache. The last time I was in my car I had the heat cranked for like an hour and when I got out of it I felt so poisoned and sticky. Now I've come to the realization that the smell might be a mixture of ozone and plastic that's making a gas that I've brought into my apartment making me feel soo sick. I feel like the gas has taken over my apartment and now I'm going crazy I feel like I created something thats not suppose to be created. The gas has a smell so I know it's from the car and not something else and it has now become unbearableand has slowly but surely taken over my apartment. right now I feel covered in something my arms and neck are super sticky I'm also having trouble breathing, headache and a little nausea and feel burning on my skin and my ears and eyes. So my question to everyone is how can I get rid of this stuff. Has anyone experienced anything like this and what did you do? Please help and sorry if that was a long post was trying to paint a clear picture.


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