can I combine MC with Juice fasting?
( copy of question in juice fsting forum but would also like
Master-Cleanse forum opinions too)
My main reasons for fasting is to loose my excess weight and increase my health. If I combine juice fasting with the
Master-Cleanse will I detox faster and loose weight faster?? I am planing on 12 to 13 weeks total fasting.
I was thinking about 4 weeks juice followed by 4 weeks
Master-Cleanse and then 3 or 4 weeks juice again followed by a slow 2 week transition back to normal healthy solid foods.
Is this achievable or am I just wishing? Im determined to do 13 weeks on some kind of fast but I want the best achievable results I can get in that time.
I also work nights 30 to 50 hrs a week will the MC be a problem with energy (not that I get all that busy in my work, pretty much sit on my butt!)
Im 28 and sz 18+ Id like to see 80-90
pounds go. Is this reasonable to aim for? could I achieve this in 10 or 11 weeks total, following a JF/MC/JF fast? Im also building upto 1hr+ exercise everyday and maybe some Yoga (If I can find the time)
Opinions ????????? plzzzzzzzzz (essp if it can be done in 11 weeks) Thanks