Re: Can tooth heal by itself after taking mercury filling out with no fillings put in after?
I thought I was the only one who thought of this! I am so happy that I'm not crazy to want my OWN teeth back...Why do we HAVE TO use any fillings at all when there are ways to remineralize your teeth naturally and effectively?
I read your post a month ago searching the net while on this obsessive quest to find any and all info on if it can be done, and now I have finally found another person who thought the same, lol. Actually, I think there are two other people, both who are on curezone, and I need to find their posts again.
Anyways, I have been reading Dr. Weston Price's book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", as well as Ramiel Nagel's book "Cure Tooth Decay", and also Hal Huggins's book "It's All in Your Head", AND I am positive it is possible to remineralize your teeth back. However, I also am in love with the amazing healing properties of various plants, and I know that Comfrey is known to "Knit bone" back this led me to think "Why couldn't I regrow those holes if I just removed the nasty
Amalgam fillings out!?
The thing is, although I know how crazy it sounds, and am willing to do a 360 lifestyle change AND bear with the pain of having my nerves exposed, I think the problem lies with the dentists themselves: will they let me do what I want to? I called two dentists so far: One said no, another said maybe, but I don't think they understood what I meant fully (and wanted another paycheck). Today however, I found a dentist that could be my only hope, but I'll call him tomorrow...
So, yeah. I agree with you but I doubt this has been done yet. I am willing to be a guinea pig and pioneer, not only because I am desperate to get my teeth back (I have 14 fillings!) but because I have always tested things on myself before advising others; and I truly believe this is possible.
Regardless, I know this is a long post and I hope you or someone responds-and I hope your ok!