11 y
Re: Years of experience--yes Zappers work...
I agree---to get the best understanding of her protocol, reading at least "
The Cure For All Diseases " is paramount. What I've discovered though, is that you have to treat the cancer like a fungus, not a virus. I've completely cleared what I am very sure was cancer using her both anti-
parasite protocol, and adding anti-fungal as well. I found a zapper that has the frequencies for killing fungus and to that, I added olive leaf extract.
I even think the the greedy 1% Zionists aka the owners of big pharma actually found a way to poison her, because her death by 'cancer' would be something they would think of to do and enjoy because they figured she'd not figure it out in time and die thinking her protocol might have failed her---they love causing that kind of pain!
She had a number of symptoms that matched cadmium poisoning--the achy joints to the point of crippling pain and other symptoms much like the flu, with the end result often cancer---but a
parasite isn't involved. It doesn't take hardly any and who would have suspected? All it would take was a tiny bit over time and it can easily be found in some batteries.
She was such a force for good and if her work had become better known, it would have cut the pharmaceutical companies off at the knees, because as you might recall she'd found
parasites involved in every single one of their money making diseases, except high blood pressure (I'm going with high fructose corn syrup involved with that issue). Alive, despite all their negative PR about her protocol and then ignoring her wasn't working very well either--she was still investigating and publishing thru her own company totally out of their control and people were also finding out about her via word of mouth. The Zionists (and by that name I means the jewish leadership), despite owning almost all the major media outlets, couldn't stop the info from getting out. So if she died of 'cancer', they could point and say---see, she couldn't even heal herself. Of course her protocols didn't work on poison, so she died. I sure hope whoever did this to her is reaping the heaps of bad karma of such evil behavior!