Re: Here is the main problem with your advice
I think it's more learning about worms cause
Wormwood do not work on all 45000 species other wise we would not have worms and
Wormwood would be only antihelmantic treatment available
its more circumstantial, not all worms r lifetreathening and some can actually be beneficial for certain conditions,
About pharma companies it makes 1 pound to manufacture and is being sold 15 cause of infection control, 2nd there is profit margin sometimes higher than it should be so they would pay researchers and facilities and for next projects,
Occasionally they may use bad tactics but over all its every humans duty to learn about health and provide for our kids scientific safe medicines,
Cause a lot of herbs can make damage as well although I absolutely agree that some medicines r generally safe.
I thought that life is about helping each other and making safe ways for our kids future wish you all the best.