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Re: help me please!!!
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Re: help me please!!!

Just an observation here---I KNOW we all have or have had parasites. What unaware person even does castor or cod liver oil any more? Those killed parasites which our ancestors knew were everywhere and would infest them badly if they didn't kill them regularly.
It doesn't matter in the least that we're a 1st world country. We just don't have most of the exotic ones like you hear about from elsewhere. So, nowhere is safe from them. You'd have to live in a bubble, never go outside, never eat something that fell on the floor, never have pets, never lick your fingers and you might be able to avoid them, except for now, because of all the toxins around, the parasites can cross over to the baby in utero, and also because of the toxins, our body can't fight the parasites off at all, and they stay alive and kicking and travel easily right out of your digestive system, into your other organs that were the original organ in their original host---like beef liver flukes go straight to the liver and form the basis for cancer. So just because you can't see any parasites in your poop doesn't mean you aren't totally infested, and since they are boneless, they don't really show up that well in x-rays. I've gotten rid of diabetes (pancreatic sheep flukes, anyone?) and cancer. I despise the pharmaceutical-owned and backed medical industry, so I avoid them like the plague, so I never went in about it. Sure, if I'm in an accident, take me to a hospital--they actually do emergency medicine well, but if it's one of their money making diseases like cancer or diabetes, be sure they are not going to actually cure any of them because they'll lose huge amounts of money from both their hideous cancer'treatments' which they are lying about improving, and from all the money they're scamming out of us when they say they're looking for a cure. The most research I believe they do is to see if they can prolong the illness enough to completely bankrupt you before you die.
I know the big pharma owned medical schools are deliberately withholding information and not training medical students to recognize parasite or fungus-related issues. I also suspect cancer is actually a parasite infestation which are pre-infected with a fungal infection And that is all it really is---a out of control fungal infection, not something all mysterious and incurable like the medical industry pretends, although at the doctor/nurse level, they probably don't know and trust what they were taught was accurate..
And quite coincidentally, the big pharma companies have only really toxic anti-fungal remedies (although there are plenty of natural anti-fungals that aren't) for fungus that the doctors will only use in emergencies, cuz they're so nasty with vicious side effects. I think this is so they don't accidentally cure someone with 'cancer' while treating some other less critical fungal infection.
I treated whatever that was of mine as parasite/fungal infection and about 5 months later, all my symptoms are completely gone. I've never had anything like that before and I'm in the right age group where my system just can't fight things off very well any more. Because of the toxic build-up they are so kindly poisoning our food and water with, dropping on us from the skies and toxifying all of our personal care items with, it's no surprise kids today are getting sicker and sicker. They've had to swim in these toxins from before their birth. We older folks at least had a few years before the toxic waste got so deep.
I am sure though, nutrition can definitely play a part---the healthier you are, the better your body can resist the parasites and their manifesting 'diseases', and also since some of it will detox you, it will help, albeit slowly, since the parasites don't thrive that well without the toxins. Also, I've found if you get as far into the alkaline, it helps too. Most pathogens of all types refer acidic. I don't think parasites like alkaline either.


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