help me please!!!
please help me:
I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE... I have been taking 2-3 cloves of garlic a day for 5 days to try and deworm and I am now having sharp pain in my left side, also very low left side like sharp cramping, and pressure and pain in my lower left side of my back back and I'm worried and not sure if this is normal.
Last week I originally got worried my kids might contract worms from our puppy but after I started reading I saw so many cronic issues I blow off daily listed as #1 indicators I kind of have been obsessed since.
I was diagnosed at 30 with narcolepsy as I cant stay awake and am constantly exhausted... now taking a methanphetamine drug to function... also i am constantly constipated and feel I have some sort of blockage... I also have very stingy fiborous looking fecal matter. Sometimes looking as if there may be blood or dried blood in it. I suffered from cholostastis of pregnancy(high liver function) with the last 2 of 4 of my pregnancy's. This almost caused me to loose my babies... I have had my gallbladder removed but I frequentlky experiance the same stinging pain upper left. I also get very itchy, I'm never hungry and when I am I crave
Sugar which I was not big on my entire life until now... I eat more candy than anyone I know and stay thin and in shape... I rarely eat a meal however I love to cook and feed my family. I use to love to eat.. no appitite... I also get a knot feeling in my right side ALOT! Especially when I bend down... at times it hurts to straighten out and I walk funny for hours... I just used bamboo scewers to disect my bowel movement and there where a ton of off white/yellowish/transparent fiberous looking things... all woven and entwined... most the lenght of a maggot some longer.. and also red apple peal looking stuff and what appeared to be hard seeds.. whitish/yellowish with a black tip??? Those were a little smaller than a pea... Any Insight PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU!!