Day 6 of MC, amazing!
I'm on my 6th day of the
Master-Cleanse and I am astounded I still have bm's after so many days without food! I never realized how sluggish my sytem really was.
I'm having gallbladder pain off and on (nothing too severe). I apply a heating pad at night, it makes it feel better. I have performed 4 liver/gallbladder flushes previous to the
Master-Cleanse and I plan on another flush on day 10 or is this ill-advised while on the Master Cleanse?
I have tried
coffee enemas and salt
water enemas but still feel constipated in a way. I am able to do the saltwater flushes but that last little mouthful is impossible to get down. I love Smooth Move tea however, my insides feel sore like muscles after exercising too hard! I did not have psyllium powder available to me right away so I used capsules (I cut holes in the ends of the capsules to hasten emptying). I tried drinking the clay in water but that was too nasty! I simply take a spoonful and wash the taste out of my mouth with
Master-Cleanse lemonade. Today I tried the powdered psyllium in water and it almost came back out while drinking...ewww YUCK! So I would appreciate any suggestions on this problem.
I thought after 3 days you weren't supposed to be hungry anymore! I still am hungry but drink lemonade and it passes. Can anyone tell me how many lemonades to have in one day? I have 6 or 7. Besides the lemonade I have some herbal tea so I think I'm hydrated.
I love this Support Forum!! I hope to go 40 days...wish me luck!!