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Re: EMF is a trigger
CalinGascu Views: 2,409
Published: 11 y
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Re: EMF is a trigger

Please do not make confusion of terms. EMF (electro magnetic field) is too general. This vast area includes the entire range of frequencies known. The laws of physics can not be ignored. We can not play like God. Field microwave is incriminated by me (upper domain up to Gamma).

Not from the screen or computer the child is affected. Wireless devices are incriminated. It is fashionable to give up cable. We pushed the limit of resistance of the organism. Turn of all the devices wireless around him.

Return to the wired transmission is safe for you and computer work OK. Instead it is imperative to discard all devices emitting wave. Are dear to us it seems but also are very dangerous.

Microwaves fry. I checked several times. I returned to the older Cell Phone s. They caused exactly the same lesion. Even where they appeared the same shape and places. This is an explanation for antennas lobes devices have different energy intensities. I have a trace on the arm as if someone brought me a knitting needle. Even shapes are two ellipses like as a cylindrical beam past trough me.

This it can not do any pathogen. The microwave beam after passage can do. It only attacks the second skin layer. No direct attack any meat or top layer (epithelium). for meat does not have enough energy because it contains plenty of water. For epithelium has no energy for it is dry. It remains interlayer which is the active layer of the skin has the consistency of mucilage.

You can use computer but one who has only wire connection on Internet (UTP - cable) Renounce at Cell Phone , Tablet, to all the devices who emit beams. In one or two weeks you will see the improvements in skin aspect. The healing instead are much, much long time to be.


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