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Re: Morgellons - A disease defeated free of charge
CalinGascu Views: 2,301
Published: 11 y
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Re: Morgellons - A disease defeated free of charge

What proof do you have that is a bacterial infection. I know of no bacteria to resist Antibiotics . In addition how it spread so quickly throughout the world. How is it that is not contagious? You think what you say or spit them directly on the tongue?

Make that experiment. You will change your attitude upon the skin reaction.

At least we agree on one point. The skin is attacked from the inside out. Just as the meat is heated in the microwave. What makes you think that the same 2.4GHz frequency near the Cell Phone is harmless but fry the meat in the microwave?

You must have at least one defective part between the neck and hair to believe that.

Check and after that talk! Fair enough?


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