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Re: Morgellons - A disease defeated free of charge
  Views: 2,305
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Re: Morgellons - A disease defeated free of charge

well I went and looked at your website "morgellons" defeated free of charge" or whatever. There is a lot of disconected information there that doesn't really follow any scientific method . There are a lot of assertions but not much to back it up.

Some of what is written there is valid sure but it entirely mises the cause and effective treatment of Morgellons . The cause of morgellons is being infected with, Bartonella or Agrobacterium or a Bartonella like organism that can alter your DNA and cause skin proteins, Keratin and Collagen, to grow out of your skin in the form of fibers.


“Conjugative DNA transfer into human cells by the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system of the bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae.”

My suggestion for your own benefit is to read the Morgellons and Bartonella pages of this website.

it is also free..........



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