Depression & Pyroluria
found out my daughters
Depression and mine was caused by pyrrole disorder, also known as pyroluria, or mauve factor.
Mainstream practitioners are not aware of this hereditary disorder, probably because the treatment is supplements. basically this disorder makes your body mainly deficient in zinc & B6, these nutrients are involved in many bodily functions.
There are many symptoms and you may not have all of them.
My symptoms are:
social anxiety,
mild depression,
pale skin,
white skin patches,
poor dream recall,
childhood nightmares,
no morning appetite,
white spots on fingernails,
joints aching & cracking,
sensitive to bright light,
upper left abdominal pain
got a stitch if i ran as a child,
cold hands & feet,
never get sick,
adrenal issues,
gluten sensitivity,
avoid stress because i can't cope with it,
a loner,
stretch marks when young without cause,
focus internally on myself rather than the external world,
don't like routine changes
stress about travelling or new situations.
So google it & check it out in case it is the cause of your depression.
Let me know if you need any links to websites with more information.
Also i recently read a book which i think is fantastic, called 'The mood cure' if you have
Depression you must read it.