Traffic Tickets
Does anyone ever get a ticket for the speed they are actually going? Mine always seem to be for going 70 in a 50, or 75 in a 60, or 55 in a 35. And I am usually going a few MPH faster than what they say they clocked me at. So really I have never been guilty of going the speed I have been convicted of going. Here is a paranoid idea... giving people some slack and lowering their speed some, so the fine won't be as high, can un-intendedly serve as a psyop to engender appreciation and increase the chances that people will pay the fine…. shall we say, "more happily" regardless of "guesstimation" being absolutely necessary due to a variety of technological limitations that I am just now learning about. This website is fantastic~
So far I am enjoying the process of fighting this ticket, so I am going to smart off and say that, unless they give me a life sentence for contempt, I am going to fight every ticket I ever get from now on. I am also going to start telling all of the cops who stop me for speeding that I appreciate the desire to be a public servant and respect those who have such dangerous jobs, but I have an ethical issue with people threatening to put me in jail if I don't pay their salary for protecting me, and I always take speeding tickets to trial by jury as a matter of habit. And then I will let them know that they are welcome to just give me a warning this time, unless they enjoy testifying at jury trials as much as I enjoy requesting them.