Drugs! My suggestion to anyone and everyone. If drugs are even suggested, run like hell. In the whole history of drugs, non have cure anyone without toxins' that cripple our immune system, or worse. The druggies are not in the heath business.
Curing is not, for them. is not good business. Lies are part of doing business. Bayer was one elected by Hitler to run the death camps.
Stop the lies about herbals and ‘DE’. Pushing drugs is bad enough, to children is criminal. ‘DE’ is also an insecticide and helps over 30 health issues especially parasites and totally non toxic. With ‘DE’ and lots of ‘C’ will take care of many of your problems. " Constipation is a sign of vitamin ‘C’ deficiency. Vitamin ‘C’ is also non toxic despite all the lies published by the drug pushers.