No I don't have a white coated tongue. A white tongue is generally a rough indication that you have candida. For the last 8 years I've been using 3% hydrogen as a muthwash in the morning and last thing at might after I brush my teeth. I also put a few drops of turpentine on my tongue on a daily basis -- turpentine not only kills a wide range of pathogens, it is also easily absorbed into the gums.
I had a really bad wobbly tooth that had been capped and I thought I was going to lose it. I took the turpentine drops once a day and in one month it firmed up solid again and completely healed the tooth and the gums. My belief was that that the turps was easily absorbed into the root cavity of the tooth where the infection and pain were and the turps completely disinfected this region killing the infection and also helped to firm up the tooth. How else can you explain it ?