Hi JCloved...If I were you I would focus on the Candida for now. Most people regard candida issues as trivial. Go to the Candida forums and see how trivial it is and see how difficult it is to cure. If you've had candida for years then you probably have the systemic or disseminated form. There are two forms of candida -- yeast and fungal -- because candida is dimorphic. The yeast infects locally in the intestines, uterus, skin etc and the fungal form infects the blood, tissues and organs. So you will have to get rid of both these forms candida to be cured or it will just keep coming back or will never go away. This simply means that you will have to use a multi-protocol approach.
I also advise supplementing iodine against candida. But lugols Iodine on its own is simply not enough. The core protocol that I advise to kill all the candida, associated pathogens and parasites is shown in detail here:
Core Pathogen Kill Protocols for Candida
The above protocol is just the core pathogen-kill protocols against candida. If that doesn't work then I would advise taking the full anti-candida protocol that is in my book(see the link).
I had fairly serious systemic candida issues 8 years ago which I completely cured using my own alternative protocols. And when I say cured I mean that all my candida symptoms are completely gone and I can now eat foods like sugar, carbs, wheat, milk etc in normal moderate quantites without any allergic reaction or other problems. That's what I define as a cure. Back to normal, as if I never had candida problems.
A white tongue is generally a rough indication that you have candida. But this indication will not tell you the extent of your candida infection.
To get a better indication of whether you have serious candida issues or not, you should take this Candida Questionnaire which was devised by Dr William Crook(who wrote the famous book on candida called The Yeast Connection):
The above questionnaire works off an automatic scoring system as is geared to your symptoms and lifestyle. This test is much more accurate than the doctor's tests for candida. And its free.
No I don't have a white coated tongue. A white tongue is generally a rough indication that you have candida. For the last 8 years I've been using 3% hydrogen as a muthwash in the morning and last thing at might after I brush my teeth. I also put a few drops of turpentine on my tongue on a daily basis -- turpentine not only kills a wide range of pathogens, it is also easily absorbed into the gums.
I had a really bad wobbly tooth that had been capped and I thought I was going to lose it. I took the turpentine drops once a day and in one month it firmed up solid again and completely healed the tooth and the gums. My belief was that that the turps was easily absorbed into the root cavity of the tooth where the infection and pain were and the turps completely disinfected this region killing the infection and also helped to firm up the tooth. How else can you explain it ?
Here's an article that fully describes how to take lugol's iodine or Iodoral(and other important candida-kill protocols) on a daily basis. See this link:
Pathogen-Kill Protocols for Candida
Hi JCloved...I think the regimen you are following for your thyroid is OK.
I honestly don't think the regimen you are following is really powerful enough to get rid of your candida. Use these four protocols -- at a minimum:
I'm also beginning to suspect that you may also have a Methylation Cycle block. This also relates to both the thyroid and can also have severe effects on your adrenals.
For now I would just add Methyl-Guard fromThorne Research to your protocol every day. If this doesn't work then you may have an aberrant MTHFR gene(s). The only way that you can confirm this is to go see a methylation literate doctor and test for the aberrant genes. See these links for some further info on MTHFR genes:
The Link Between Thyroid and MTFR Gene Mutations
The Link Between Adrenal Problems and MTHFR