I have a friend that deals with cancer by doing the Cellect Budwig protocol. Among other things he is taking iodine (50 mg Lugo Tabs), the Cellect minerals and cod liver oil, he is taking lot's of juices including green ones and he is doing daily coffee enema.
He is now going to remove some 9 amalgam fillings with an expert dent. and was advised to take extra supplements for chelating and support:Multi-min Chelate,Chlorodex,Metalloclearand some 12 gram/day vitamin C.
I know iodine is good at chelating mercury, the Cellect is a multi mineral supplement and is taken abundantly, juices supply him with lots of chlorophyll and the coffee enemas boosting his liver to detox. So beside, maybe, vitamin c, do you think any of these supplement is necessary to help with the amalgam?