Thanks a lot for your answers! :) Think things get better now...
Hi Rebeckah & Somer!
Thanks a lot for your answers :) I had a CRAZY night tonight!!! Suppose that 4 cups of lex tea, do move thing somewhere down there... Half of last night i was sitting in wc and taking out all that I didn't for the last 4 days I suppose.. felt like that at least!
So Finally my body is out of the jam, Hurry!
I think my main problem was not drinking enough + using too week lex tea (now using also senna leaves)+ probably those flax seeds weren't the smartest idea.. well well at least now it's getting better..
But today I felt for the first time serious hunger.. And I was sooo weak whole day from all this wierd night... that I hope i will be able to continue at all.. gonna go to sleep early today and hope for the best.. Really want to continue even longer then 10 days.. Love the freedom this fasting gives me.. not to worry about food all the time.. just enjoy the time & the rest that my body finally gets (well except for last night of course.. ;) )
And if there r any "new beginners" that read this: DRINK DRINK DRINK.. not just the lemonade and the tea in the evening! Drink lots of frash water too, and most importent: just hang on there!
Carry on! F.