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Suffered severe social anxiety my whole life help
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Suffered severe social anxiety my whole life help

Me again,

Ive been reading "success stories" on here and they all mention various flushes like liver flushing, kidney flushing etc....
Is this a real possible solution to conquer severe social anxiety?
I mean .... is it people selling stuff or could it really help?

I found out my dog has Tapeworms today so had to go buy $100 worth of meds to flush him out, then I start reading about how suppossedly most people have parasites that can cause all kind of conditions. I now feel crazy because im thinking of ordering diamascious earth and trying to flush myself to see what happens.

Is this what the flushing for anxiety stuff is about or something completely different?

I used to drink alot and smoke weed and even tried acid once and had a horrible experience with the acid... this was all when i was a teen im in mid 30's now. Dont know if this had an affect or what but i would love to just feel confident and normal for once so willing to try anything


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