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Re: Isn't ionic silver useless? Mesosilver vs Utopia?
cdevidal Views: 15,416
Published: 11 y
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Re: Isn't ionic silver useless? Mesosilver vs Utopia?

I think it's a moot point. Ionic solutions contain 10% colloids, and colloidal solutions such as MesoSilver contain 20% ionic. So if you drink enough of the ionic solutions you're going to get the same quanity of colloids, but for significantly less cost. I estimate the cost of producing 100 gallons of home brew with a home-made LVDC generator, silver maple coins, and an airstone bubbler to be about $250, which at the 10% ratio gives you 10 gallons of colloidal liquid. If you buy two 5 gallon carboys of MesoSilver that costs $1,238. And with a home generator the economies of scale continue to reduce over time, whereas with MesoSilver the costs stay the same, or even rise.

And I believe the ionic isn't "waste," so the 90% you do get is significant. The article above posted by Newport called "The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver " claims that both are effective. LuellaMay above stated "Ionic silver isn't useless. It works for minor illnesses, such as colds and minor infections." So even those who are pro-colloid claim some benefit to ionic.

So there you go. Make it at home and save hundreds. (Thousands?) Or pay a hungry college student to make you a generator, and generate it yourself. You'll still come out financially ahead of buying MesoSilver. You can get all the benefits of both while saving lots and lots of money.


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