Okay...... You're in Europe. The Silver Puppy is a very good generator and one that we recommend. Use that. Now, do you have to purchase it online? Depending on the severity of your cat's infection, time may be of the essence. If you don't have the Silver Puppy, order it immediately. In the meantime, if you can get silver from another source, maybe a health food store right now you must do something, so buy it and use it until it arrives. If you have the generator, then make the silver now. One thing though, never add salt or any type of saline solution, this is what can cause argyria. Give your cat a lot, whether it's store bought right now or from the silver puppy, as much as an ounce a day until you see the cat getting better. You can pour it in its water or if she's not drinking water give it to her by oral syringe. I know how serious these types of infections can be. I had a cat that died a long time ago from this type of infection so my heart goes out you.