Re: Detox from Iodine??...... wow
I'm going through the same thing where the
Iodine is detoxing my lungs and pushing crap out. I don't have it as bad as you do... just in the morning when I wake up then I'm clear for the rest of the day. It's green, so its most definitely infection. The bacteria must reproduce when the lungs don't get expanded fully over night.
If I megadose on vitamin c and d and stay active to where I'm breathing heavy it will go away for a few days. But it always comes back on my off days where my lungs don't get a work out. I want to try nebulizing CS.. that seems to have worked for a lot of people with impossible chest infections.
I also found that by cutting out mucus causing foods and foods that cause inflammation helps a lot too. You can google it to see what all to avoid. Mostly dairy and breads... which if you are on a candida diet, you're probably not eating those anyway. The only thing i can't give up is yogurt but that isnt enough to cause problems.
I can't say exactly what to do because I can't shake the infection yet myself, but chicken noodle soup with lots of onions and garlic eases things too. Oh, and coconut oil pulling might ease your throat. I had a nickle sized thrush patch in my throat a few months back and i think thats what took it away. Try that on your rash too. I sometimes get little dry itchy patches right above my hip bones from my pants rubbing and sweating when im active and coconut oil heals it quick. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. If you support your body the right way and help it out, the rest should breeze by.