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Re: newby-day 1 of mc
pepe Views: 920
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 220,757

Re: newby-day 1 of mc

Don't know what book you're reading but in the Burroughs book it call for 2 TBSP = 1 oz each lemon and syrup per 8 oz of water. 1 gallon = 128 oz divide that by 8 zo = 16 oz. 16oz = 2 cups so your mix is way weak both on the lemon and the syrup. It takes just a little under 1 1/4 tsp of cayenne per gallon of H2O.

Psyllium capsules are not a very efficient method because you hafta take something like 15 or more caps or more to equal 1 tbsp. You also must drink lots and lots of water for psyllium to be effective. Read the FAQs Ptrees famous post to learn about doing the P correctly.

Vitamins or anything else is not a good idea during the MC. The Master-Cleanse works by giving the digestive system a break so the body will use that energy to cleanse and heal so anything you addd like vitamins etc that the body has to deal with by having to digest it will interfere with the MC. The Master-Cleanse has all the nutrients you need. You should read the book.

Heed the advice of the posters above regarding cutting back so much on the maple syrup to keep the body from going into starvation mode.



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