Hi. I am a 21 year old male and I have a case of very bad back acne. The thing is, literally 8 months ago I had not a single pimple on my back or chest, and now I have literally hundreds. It's only getting worse I have no idea how to stop it. I've been thinking of the changes I've made in my diet, and I have been eating a lot of beef liver tablets (organic) which I here may have hormones from the cows? Or casein protein but I've only used that recently and my Acne was bad before then too. Anyways I need some serious advice on what's causing this? I drink a lot of kombucha tea too. Like 2-3 bottles a day. I hear it's good for its probiotics but is it possible too much of it can feed candida/cause Acne too? Also is this caused mainly from diet, candida, or even parasites? And most importantly what can I do to get rid of it it's getting bad very quck, to the point I'm embarrassed to take my shirt off (a problem I've never had before). Advice is greatly appreciated and what I should be taking/doing to get rid of it. Thanks.