Re: Nutritional Balancing plus MMS or other supplements?
Hi petluvr10,
I started with CDH about 1 month ago. I started pretty slowly.
5 days 8ml of CDH in 800 ml water (drinking 100ml every hour) - during this period I was feeling realy well. I had a lot of energy.
Next 10 days 16ml of CDH in 800 ml water - at the beginning still ok, but at the end it started to be challenging little bit.I started to have stomach pain and started to be tired. According my practitioner the tiredness is caused by toxins which has to be processed by liver. I started to wakeup during night. I think my liver was overloaded with toxins.
Next 5 days 24 ml in 800 water - first 3 days I started to feel adrenaline rush in the morning and sometimes during night.
The 4th and 5th day I felt terribly. I was dizzy, blurred vision and I had feeling that my head is not mine. Something like brain fog and also nausea. I decreased the dose to 12ml of CDH/day but I was feeling next 2 days bad. I stopped CDH for 3 days completely and now I feel well again.
BUT I know that I have chronic virus infection which influences my central nervous system. This fact could explain the dizziness, blurry vision, nausea... . I had same reaction when I used zapper some time ago.
I am still convinced that any detox or increased metabolic rate requires more supplements/minerals, especially magnesium.