I hope it is me that you are referring to...Refreshed. The two R's. :) If not, I may be answering for Rainy.
I don't have time to answer this completely right now, for I will be out the door in a a little while, but I wanted to say, that the bible is written the way it is to keep us "seekers". Never stop reading it...for you will always understand more and more as you read it each time. It's the true "Never Ending Story"
Don't think to yourself that I was referring to you when I said what I did. You are a believer...correct? So this would not apply to you. That is just the way I write because I'm writing beyond you to others of other beliefs and thoughts as I share with you.
That is one reason we don't talk about it because unbelievers sometimes miss the point being made, that just because they have a NDE and that they got to see heaven, that must mean they are sure to go.
I do however think it's a blessing to witness such a thing, because it causes our faith to grow. But if we only stop there and stop seeking what the Lord has for us to understand with that one experience, then the journey has come to a sad stop along the way.
I have never read of someone coming out of a NDE without some spiritual thoughts...but that does not mean they set out in the right direction with their seeking.