Thanks Rainy. It's good to hear what you think about it.
I still wonder why if people would talk about it in private, why not talk about it in a group? Why not be open about it?
I do not think just because that happened, I will go to Heaven. I believe any assumption like that is "playing God", so I don't even go there. Time will tell if I do or not. Christians I talk to ask if I accepted God into my life, and I say yes. Then they says well you're saved and I should act like it. But I just don't go there no matter what people say.
I take that Revelation 22:14 quote differently. Not that what you said is wrong. To me washing your robe means cleansing yourself. Cleansing your soul or even your body. Like Jesus meant his body when he spoke of rebuilding the temple in 3 days.
I think maybe the Bible is written like the parables Jesus told. One person at a certain point in "the way" or the path, may take something one way, and another person at a different point may take it another way.
I don't understand part of that Revelations quote you mentioned though. There are liars and immoral persons outside the gate. That means they aren't in hell then. Or hell is something besides fire and brimstone right?
Yes it is very comforting that we are forgiven if we truly repent and ask for forgiveness. I still hope I'm worthy. I just about always say I'm sorry for being such a scumbag and ask for forgiveness when I pray.
Referring to the other quotes.
In Revelation 7:14 what do you think "made them white in the blood of the Lamb." means?
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, what does "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." mean? Is Jesus one person and God is another? I believe they are the same as far as personality, but God is the creator and Jesus manifested his personality. He was "the way".
In Revelation 20:11-15 where it says "And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them", wouldn't it mean that Death and Hades is some kind of spirit that lives in the sea?
I thought Death and Hades was hell in other books of the Bible? But according to this, they are thrown into the "lake of fire" which is the "second death". I'm also wondering what the first death was.
Then in Acts 2:38, we are told to "Repent and be baptized" and you will be saved. So do we have to do that or wash our robes and "made them white in the blood of the Lamb.", or all of the above, or one of the above?
Then in 1 John 1:9 it apparently says Jesus or God will "cleanse us from all unrighteousness." John doesn't mention having to ask for forgiveness, just "confess" that we have sinned.
1 John 1:8 is straight forward and can't be mistaken, and I totally believe.
Then in 1 John 1:7, he says "the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." the blood cleanses us again. So what is "the blood"? It can't literally mean bathing in blood could it?
And then we have Ephesians 2:8-9 which says "For by grace you have been saved through faith." And "by grace" means a gift from "God" according to what that verse says later. But he have to have "faith" to receive it. So we must do something to be "saved". But then he says it's "not a result of works". Having faith does not take effort, and doesn't take work to do?
Then in John 14:1-4 it says, "Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms." It looks like Jesus is clearly saying God is something or someone other than him. There are so MANY verses pointing to this.
Then Jesus says, "If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" So it appears God didn't create "a place" for us. Jesus has to do that. It would appear he's a co-creator, and once again something other than God. He does a separate type of "work" in creation or Heaven than God? And can't God make these places? Or is he something different and is unable to do that, or does he just refuse to do it? Or is he just too busy, or wants others to help create? He wants other creators?
And then he says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." So Jesus also has to "take" us to this "place" so we can be with him?
And then he says "And you know the way to where I am going.” So he has to show us "the way" to this "place"? I guess there are other places out there after we die where we need to be lead by him or we may not make it there, or may get lost?
So you see how I analyze things in the Bible. It seems to say one thing, and then another, and leaves a lot of things unanswered. I don't understand that. It can't be God saying these things and list the author of each book, who is a man.
You don't have to answer all these questions. Like I said, I have tons of them and one answer would lead to another question. :-)
But I think the Bible is intentionally written that way too. It makes you go out and find the truth for yourself. It only points to "the way".
Like I said, I just keep it simple. I have to, because I would never get anywhere if I only relied on the Bible. I had to close the Bible and put it away, and get out there and try to live it, or I would never get anywhere.
I have found that if I try to love always, have faith, ask to be forgiven and try to align my will with God; then I see God working in my life. That's all that is required from my neck of the woods. All the rest is fluff and history from my perch in the tree. It's supposed to be so simple a child can do it right? Then why not do it that way? I have to drop the rest, or I would be spinning my tires on the side of the road wondering which way to go, or what to do. I'd be forever lost. Not that everyone has to do that, but for me, I had to.
Take care and have a Blessed Sunday Rainy.