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Re: NDE's
ChaztheMeatHead Views: 989
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Re: NDE's

Well I was raised Southern Baptist until I was 13. I had to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday whether I wanted to or not.

Then we moved and I ran into People who weren't like that. And basically started making a living out of partying. I played rock and roll music till I was 45 when the music scene fell apart due to karaoke and rap.

So I was 45 with no career. Oh yeah during the time I played music I had become agnostic I think you call it? Wasn't Christian, but didn't count out there possibly being a God.

So I was up against a wall at that point with no career.

I decided to turn my heart back to God because I needed help that was beyond what I was able to do myself.

I had REALLY prayed about it and committed myself to God one night. Then I went to sleep and had that dream.

So it was a dream I had. But like I said, it was so life changing and so real, I felt Gods love for days.

To me it was kind of a NDE since it dealt with me dying and the things it showed. Like you said, it seems like an NDE.

I guess maybe it could have been a vision? Maybe it was symbolic of me dying from the life of partying and being born into a new life with God in it? I don't know. But it was before I had actually sat down and read the Bible. I had heard of visions before in the Bible when I was a kid, but didn't really know what they were. And I had certainly never heard of NDE's back then.

Anyway I guess the bottom line is it worked. From that point on I believed. From then on I've lived my life according to that and I've seen God work in my life beyond any doubt.

And I totally understand what you mean by it not being conventional Christian. I agree. I just don't fit that mold.

And I totally agree with what you said about the Bible not being the whole truth.

The truth is not static words written in a book. The truth is alive and beyond words. It has to be experienced. You have to take that leap of faith and see that God will catch you to really know it and own it. That can't get that from the Bible.

And like "The Hunter" has implied; maybe the truth is a little different for each person.

I think maybe God comes in what ever form is most pleasing to each person? I don't know.

And maybe different things are shown in each NDE type of experience depending on the person? Each one is unique in some way.

But the Bible is like the "Eat at Joe's" sign outside of Joe's cafe. It's not the food. It directs you to where the food is. You have to go eat it. Just like the Bible only leads you to where you to where the truth is, but you have to try it to see it and be it.

Anyway, I'll shut up. I could go on and on about the experience I haven't told you about and about the Bible and life. I sure wish I had all the answers! And wished even more that I totally lived the life! I've had other types of experiences too.

Thanks for your thoughts and comments SayWhatAgain!
Be Blessed!


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