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Re: How important is 1 Hz?
david1o1 Views: 3,133
Published: 11 y
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Re: How important is 1 Hz?

To that point, you are correct that the effect of a 1 kHz signal at 849 kHz would be low, but for some reason it does appear to work on microbes.
However, there is redemption in the fact that most helminths have a much lower mortal frequency. Most are between 380 kHz and 476 kHz.
You often say that a high enough current is needed to have a damaging effect on harmful single cell organisms. But parasitic helminths are multi cells organisms, so they are probably more resistant, so i suppose a higher intensity is needed to damage/kill them.

If we assume that the frequencies published by Hulda Clark are accurate and can be used to damage/kill harmful viruses/bacterias/protozoas/parasitic helminths,let's do some calculations with commonly found harmful organisms in humans :

notes :
for these examples i will always take the lowest frequency measured by Hulda Clark , i assume that the frequency produced by the zapper is 1kHz, i assume that the maximum current flowing is 9ma (like Parazapper zappers)

some parasitic helminths :
taenia solium scolex : 9/444khz = 0.02ma
taenia solium larvaes : 9/475khz = 0.019ma
taenia saginata scolex : 9/?khz = ?ma
taenia saginata larvaes : 9/476.5khz = 0.019ma
toxocara cati/cani : 9/?khz = ?ma
enterobius vermicularis (pinworms) : 9/420.95khz = 0.021ma
ascaris lumbricoides : 9/408khz = 0.022ma

some protozoas :
giardia lamblia : 9/421.4khz = 0.021ma
Plasmodium falciparum (malaria) : 9/372.3khz = 0.024ma
Toxoplasma gondi : 9/395khz = 0.023ma

All these calculations show that the frequency which hits the protozoas/helminths are below 1mA, and below 0.1ma, and below 0.03ma.

So you often say that 9ma is necessary to damage/kill harmful organisms, you often say how harmonics are what helps to hit all kinds of organisms even if the frequency of the electric signal is much lower (1khz), but if we do the calculations, your claims do not make sense, the intensity of the "harmonic" hitting the harmful organism is too low to produce any significant damage. And this assumes that the current reaches the harmful organism in the body with 9mA of intensity, which is most likely not the case. What do you have to say about this ?

A very important factor is the attack or sharpness of the square wave. Even it the square wave is bad otherwise, a sharp rising edge will cause the microbe to ring on its own.
Please show us a proof of that. A video maybe ?


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