Re: What is nar really?
That's true they are very busy and just may not know. At the same time though, as soon as you type in NAR a flood of stuff comes up and it doesn't take but a second to start seeing the craziness of this movement. But they talk about these radical changes that they will make in the world, bringing it back under the subjection of Christianity (their warped version of what they call christianity) and that might sound good to a Republican politician because that somewhat fits there agenda too, or at least sounds like it might.
But I don't know if some of them would care even if they did know more about what it's all about. Francis Chan, someone I thought was a little more balanced in his theology, recently visited IHOP and declared his love for the group and for Mike Bickle, the founder of IHOP and also a top leader in the NAR. Lots of people are asking why in the world would Francis Chan do that? And it's not like he didn't know. He said so many people warned him to stay away from that group and so he did some research and decided he was going to line himself up with them anyway, because after all, it's all about "the love". But he's leaving out a lot of the bible where it says flee from those that teach contrary to the word of God, and that are wolves in sheep's clothing.
I don't know much about Ted Cruz myself. My dad thought he was one that was more decent but who knows. We've got to start digging deeper on these people and really I honestly don't think you can trust any politician these days, and probably never could, except maybe when this nation first got started.
But you are right Colonel Sanders does look decent, well educated (which no doubt he is) and innocent enough just in these interviews you can pull up. But then so can certain serial killers. Lots of people can put on a good show.