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Re: What is nar really?
Mighty.Sun.Tzu Views: 1,484
Published: 11 y
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Re: What is nar really?

Trapper: i say to you what i said to vektek - those who know do not seek. what this means is that the only way to find the truth is to seek it. thinking one knows prevents from finding truth.

Ed: Agreed in part. Anybody who believes they know all truth or who believe that reading the bible will provide them with ALL truth are deeply deceived. In the context of knowing God's heart, strong delusions such as cessationism and the idea that God's living voice no longer speaks are massive strongholds that prevent individuals so afflicted from allowing certain truths into their hearts or from even searching for them with an open and humble heart before the Lord. But certainly some truths of God can be learned by those whose hearts ARE humble and open to Him and at that point the continued search for these truths already known becomes senseless.

For example, when one has given one's life to the Lord, lives and breathes Him every second and has released over a thousand of the Lord's instant miracles into people's lives through His prayers and has heard hundreds of testimonies of other people who are living unto Him similarly and experiencing the same kinds of miraculous supernatural breakthroughs, among the millions of testimonies that exist, then the truth of knowing that the gifts have NOT ceased has already been discovered beyond any imaginable doubt. Continuing at this point to seek as to whether the gifts have ceased becomes a mindlessly senseless and unreasonable expenditure of one's time and energy.

I don't see how this has anything to do with your not understanding my plain english in the original post. Which parts of my original post did you not understand? If you disagree with any parts of it, why not be specific about this? That's usually how debate works if it is to be purposeful and functional.


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