Re: DHEA/Pregnenolone versus Adrenal Concentrates... Do they work? Success Stories?
Alcohol can cause quite a severe acetaldehyde build-up in some people, the same by-product of candida infection.
You mention
healthy Diet yet quite heavy on breads - so perhaps you already had candida and the increased drinking maxed-out your acetaldehyde detoxing capabilities...
It's just a thought...
Worth looking into effects of excess acetaldehyde, it's toxicity see if it fits your symptoms.
Many chinese people are genetically pre-disposed to not being able to break-down acetaldehyde, so when they drink only a little bit they develop a bright red face of the symptoms of acetaldehyde excess.
I guess if it causes inflammation then cortisol stores would be more demanding, hence why your doc prescribed the adrenal supplement - which won't do much if the root cause isn't addressed.
Many conditions involve inflammation which will always make more demands of the cortisol is the body's primary anti-inflammatory agent.
Just because adrenals are showing 'AF' doesn't mean that's the root cause.
Your break-up with your GF sounds like it was very stressful for you and i wonder if that affected candida more, or a lurking infection to really flare up.
Mostly i would suggest curbing drinking and slowing down while you try to figure out your symptoms and heal.