DHEA/Pregnenolone versus Adrenal Concentrates... Do they work? Success Stories?
Hi everyone,
I figured it's about time I write my own post.
*** If this post is too long scroll to the TL;DR (too long; didn't read) ***
I'll give a quick background of where I am at...
21 years old, very fit, athletic, strong, outgoing until I came down with these conditions. In college away from home so I never really get any downtime. Engineering major, so therefore long hours and nights most of the time. Perfectionist, but have gotten a lot better at handling stress. From the start of this story my diet has always been pretty healthy (no fast food, soda, too much junk food or candy, etc.) but I guess I always did eat a lot of bread...
It all started 2 years ago in January, my long time girlfiend broke up with me tossing me into an emotional spiral. I was almost devastated and at night I couldn't sleep unless I took a sleeping pill or drank alcohol (alcohol only on the weekends at a party or something).
Focused to get back on my feet, I began working out at the gym extensively training everyday and never really resting my body. I would party hard on the weekends too, hoping to meet a new girl to take these emotions away.
In about March, I notice that after a night of drinking my throat and neck glands swell causing a hoarse voice, but it does not stop my weekend drinking activities.
April/May, my hoarse voice gets a lot more noticeable after drinking and I start feeling lazy and tired all the time. Hacking up mucous all day and days after drinking. Takes about 4 days to recover from a weekend of drinking but then I would do it again on Friday night.
June comes, schools out, my symptoms are extremely alarming. I am lethargic, still have emotional distress from heartbreak to see that she has moved on. I decide to go to school doctor to see what's going on with me. After a blood test he diagnoses me with MONO (EBV). He didn't tell me what I should be doing to help myself so I continue intensive workouts and drinking. After a month of summer school, I come home and see my family doctor, D.O.. He does a lot more work on me and helps get better by telling me to take supplements etc. Saw ENT for throat, did endoscopy, everything was fine/no signs of gerd. Thought it was allergies.
August comes, I can barely speak if I drink any alcohol because my throat closes up, I can barely move most of the day. Needless to say EBV was owning my body. Still working out but once a week, maybe. The plethora of supplements/eating extremely healthy food in time helped me defeat EBV by January of the this year. By this time, I was able to work out again without too much fatigue after and I could drink a little more than I used to (please understand college, I usually drink Friday Saturday and limit my self to a couple drinks). But hoarse voice and mucous hacking is still present. Family doctor thinks it's
food allergies .
February/March/April/May/June of that year things were not getting much better. I know I felt like I had defeated EBV, but I was still fatigued all the time and it started affecting my social life and confidence to speak up in class (especially with a hoarse voice). I began to worry a lot more and became depressed even when I was NOT alone. My diet at this stage was still similar to the healthy food I ate when I had mono, mostly meat, vegetables, rice, and limited foods with flour.
By July, after school was out again, I went to my doctor again and we did the cortisol spit test. It came back positive (yay!) for adrenal fatigue and he prescribed "Adren-All" Adrenal Concentrate (Bovine) 220 mg. I begin to tone down my work out regimes and I do notice a little less brain fog than usual. But something is still wrong. After a month of this adrenal concentrate I can say that is has not helped one bit!
I had a sip of alcohol the other day, immediate throat inflammation.
Now after over analyzing my life and symptoms I have come to the realization that I probably have a leaky gut as well as adrenal fatigue. Even when I thought I was eating a healthy and hearty meal back when I was trying to recover, I could have been doing my body a disservice; and it would explain the weird reaction to alcohol and the mucous from
food allergies . I now eat Paleo (3 weeks in) and there's a lot less mucous.
The saddest part, I'm 21 years old. WTF?!
So here I am, and I think I am getting better but then a will get a bad nights sleep and feel like I'm back to where I was in June of this year.
So my question is, does this Adrenal Concentrate even work!? ('Adren-All' 220mg Adrenal Concentrate Bovine)
I watched a 45 minute interview about Dr. Kalish's method of DHEA and pregnenolone. Anybody have any experience? Anything else they recommend? I still have terrible brain fog.
Going to see doc on Thursday (we did a stool panel), anything I should ask??
And with that, does anyone have any success stories?
From leaky gut to adrenal fatigue, I think we are all starting to realize they're connected. And in my opinion, if your gut is healthy then most likely you will be as well.
But I believe the adrenal fatigue/leaky gut has been going on for years in me: a huge emotional stressor weakened my immune system, weird
food allergies , EBV crept in & wrecked havoc, diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, still have food allergies (possible leaky gut). It makes sense if you think about it!
So Thank you for reading! Please reply with your feedback!
I currently take:
"Adren-All" 220 mg Adrenal Concentrate (Bovine)
1000mg of vit C
5000 IU of D3
B-Complex Vitamin
Metagenix "Immucore" immune booster
St. John's Wort for anxiety
work out 3 times a week, I get 30 min of sun usually, and EAT PALEO!