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Re: Candida feeds on vitamins and minerals?
MickLabib Views: 3,032
Published: 11 y
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Re: Candida feeds on vitamins and minerals?

Thank you so much for your fast replies :)
I can't have that D3 blood test, it's extremely expensive. I expose my skin to sunlight, but I'm in Egypt so we have to wear pants (unless we live on the beach). I think I'm deficient in D3, my sister went to the US and had a blood test and she was very deficient that the doctor put her on 50,000 IU weekly.
Coconut oil is very difficult on my system, I think because of my fungal infection. But currently I take half a tea spoon daily, I will increase with time.
But the combination of Virastop X2 + Candex is amazing. I feel a lot better in just 1 week.
So with my current Iodine dose 6.25mg Iodoral, can I do it without the Sea Salt ?
Also, if you don't mind, can you suggest a kindle Iodine book for me to read?
Thanks a lot,


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